Friday 30 November 2012

Hair coloring day with Liese~

Konbanwa minna,

Hii-chan desu,

Just a quick update since my blog has been dead for a week already. XD

I hate it everytime my black hair grows back, making my hair looked ugly with my previous dyed hair.

And, it's getting annoying to go to salon everytime to redye my black hair, so why not dye it myself at home (゜∇゜).  Plus I’m a cheapskate (>~<)

It's my third time dyeing my hair with Liese by KAO.

The price is quite affordable. I usually get my Liese product at Watson for about RM30+.

Since I’m lazy to redye my regrown hair everytime, I usually buy colours that are almost similar with my regorwn hair.

This time I have chosen a lighter colour compared to my previous two (Classic chocolate and Dark chocolate).

Chesnut brown

It’s easy to use, just like a shampoo. Apply on it and wait for roughly 30 minutes. There’s an instruction paper inside with 3 different languages (English, Malay and Chinese).

The box also comes with a sensitivity test in case you’re allergic to the dye.

OK this is how the dye looks like after mixing. There are more than this LOL. I have used half of it already. XD

Sometime it's fun to dye your hair by yourself because you can always do lots of stupid things that you can’t do in the salon.

Hmmm..something like this…

Tsunomon look alike!!! (ノ≧∇≦)

After washing and dried, this is how it looks like.
Hmm..close enough with black (my regrown hair) ((((>д<;))))
Don't mind me in my pajamas and suppin (no make up) face (-_-)

Overall it comes out almost similar with the colour shown in the picture just slightly darker for mine.

There are more colours available. The lighter colour seems really pretty.

Will try out more colour next time. Hopefully a lighter one ≧∇≦

That’s it for today.

Lastly, welcome December! (^O^)丿

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