Thursday, 19 September 2013

Animangaki 2013 Day 1

Tadaima minna-san~!

Sorry for disappearing again.

Animangaki 2013. This marked my 1 year involving myself in ACG event in Malaysia. My first ACG event in Malaysia was Animangaki 2012. You can read it here.

Day 1 will be a simple cosplay because I am busy with work.

As usual before the actual day. I will try to costest since my wig and costume just arrived few days before Animangaki. Don't even have time to play with it >A<

Jang jang jang!!!

Can you guess what character is it? Super easy rite? ヽ(´▽`)/

Yes, it's Haruka Nanami (summer uniform ver.) from Uta-Pri (=´∇`=)

I didn't take much photo that day. 

Sorry for the bad lighting and photobomb EVERYWHERE!!! OTL

 Very cute Sasha from Shingeki no Kyojin (*´д`*)

My other syok sendiri (camwhore) pictures~~~

Sometimes, I don't even know is that really me? ((((゜д゜;))))

The "Not so Moe" facial expression. Hahahah!  Together with cute Morgiana from Magi <3

 Ohoooo~~ Composer with the rest of the STARISH members~~ ☆彡(´~`)

 Nanami with Hayato~ (*^-^*)

Of course not to forget about the sampat Lolita girls XDDD.

Cute facial expression we have there, no? \(^o^)/

Other photos of Nanami taken by photographers. Super thanks to them for their hardwork m( __ __ )m

 Photo by Wai Leong Go

Photo by Int. Photography (The "Not so Moe" expression again~ I liked it even though it looked abit emo XD)

Photo by Moka Touma. Thank you! She even editted the Nanami font \(・∀・)/

I guess that's it for today.

Will post about Day 2 some other time. XDD

Anyways, Happy Mooncake Festival to those who are celebrating. V(^0^)

Poor me T^T, no mooncake for me to eat!! OTL

Okieee till then....


Reported by Haruka Nanami desu! *self slap* (x~x)


  1. You are very cute as Nanami! And omg Starish!! I love UtaPri. >///<

    1. Thank you Kiki~! ヽ(´―`)ノ
      I like Uta-pri too! Bishiee!!!! >/////<

  2. Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR NANAMI IS SOO KAWAIIII!!! I love it hahaha!! I totally ship Nanami and Tokiya hahah!

    1. Thank you!!
      I like everyone (ermm..maybe not so much of Natsuki) but I really like Syo alot! And of course the senpai too!! <3
